Kermit Ekegren, DTM was Founder’s District Governor for 1980–1981, and Founder’s was once again recognized as a Distinguished District. An outstanding achievement of the year 1980–1981 was the registration of 74 Speechcraft programs by Founder’s District. This was a new record for Toastmasters International. Major credit for this achievement was given to Roy D. Graham, DTM, PID, District Speechcraft Chair.
That year again, The Founder received the recognition of a Top Ten District Bulletin with Alice Hollman, DTM as Editor. Three club bulletins were listed among the Top Ten Club Bulletins of Toastmasters International. They were Westwinds Report, Club #2436, Speaking Easy, Club #2945 and Rab’s Rappings, Club #3798. Blue Flame Club #2717 was recognized as a Top Ten Club by Toastmaster International.
The first woman to be elected District Governor for Founder’s District was D. Adele Stagner, DTM who received this honor at the 1981 Spring Conference. At this same conference, Division A was realigned and a new Division was formed for the Southern part of Orange County with John Hall elected as the first Lieutenant Governor for Division G. For her expert leadership that year, Adele Stagner, DTM received the honor of Distinguished District, and Editor, Frank Ortega, DTM published The Founder, a Top Ten District Bulletin.
At the 1981 International Convention in Phoenix, John S. Latin, DTM, PID was elected Third Vice President of Toastmasters International.
At the Fall 1981 Conference, the Gene Beckwith Memorial Trophy, through the generosity of Dr. Tom Kuramata and the members of Westwinds Club #2436, was established. It is for the District Governor selection of the Toastmaster in Founder’s District who best exemplifies the humor, wisdom and leadership qualities of Gene Bechwith, DTM, PDG. The first recipient of this award was Roy D. Graham, DTM, PID.
At the 1982 International Convention in Philadelphia, John S. Latin was elected Second Vice President; then in 1983 in San Diego, he became Senior Vice President. The winner of the 1983 International Speech Contest in San Diego was Founder’s own Roy Fenstermaker, DTM. Willard E. Tolles received a Presidential Citation at the International Convention in August 1983.
The 42nd District Governor, Myra L.Obert, DTM led the District to Distinguished status for 1983–1984, and Brenda Keeling, DTM, Editor for The Founder, was honored with a Top Ten District Bulletin. para At the 1984 International Convention in Orlando, Founder’s District proudly witnessed John S. Latin elected as International President. para Founder’s was once again a Distinguished District for the year 1984–1985 under District Governor Herbert J. Stockinger, DTM. In addition, Club #841 published Passwords, a Top Ten Club Bulletin.
The District had two publications recognized in 1985–1986; The Founder with Rita Chastain as Editor produced a Top Ten District Bulletin and Smedley Club #1 produced Tattles, a Top Ten Club Bulletin.
The next three years found the District recognized as Distinguished under 1986–1987 Governor John A. Garcia, DTM, 1987–1988 Governor Colette Gardner, DTM and 1988–1989 Governor Brenda L. Keeling, DTM. Preparation for the new District 12 began during the 1988–1989 year with Co-Lieutenant Governors serving. July 1, 1989, District 12 was formed out of Founder’s Divisions C and F. August 1989, Governors Marian Bell (District-12) and William Doane (Founder’s) jointly hosted the International Convention in Palm Desert. Toastmasters from both Districts worked together serving nearly 2000 guests from around the world. In 1987–1988 The Founder was a Top Ten District Bulletin thanks to Editor, Charlotte Simmons, ATM. The Founder’s 1989–1990 Editor, Steve Woods, changed the format of the bulletin and its quality was again recognized as a Top Ten District Bulletin.