The purpose of a proclamation is to have a local, state, national, or international government officials help celebrate a Toastmasters Club or District’s milestone achievements and generate publicity.
1. Request a proclamation: Proclamation Request Template (Word doc 87 kb)
2. Present the proclamation: Proclamation Presentation Process (PDF 76 kb)
3. Send a proclamation news release: Proclamation News Release Template (Word doc 96 kb)
So, what do you do when you get a proclamation?
Best recommendation (Option #1): Have the Area Governors coordinate with each of their clubs and confirm a date for an “anniversary meeting.” Optimal goal is to have the Mayor or a representative (usually a city council person) go to the club and present the proclamation.
Next best recommendation (Option #2): Have a Toastmasters club representative (one or multiple clubs) go to the city council meeting with the proclamation and have a formal presentation completed by the Mayor or City Council Chairperson – and take advantage of the in-house press.
Final recommendation (Option #3): If no “outside” representative is available to present the proclamation, then the next highest ranking dignitary, Division Governor, has the honor to present the document as his or her schedules permits. The ultimate responsibility is with the Area Governor to present the proclamation to the club president.
Presentation Process
1. The visiting dignitary gives a 2 to 3 minute speech on the importance of communication and leadership.
2. Read the proclamation to the club.
3. Present the proclamation to the highest ranking club officer and take a picture.
4. Club’s VP of PR fills out the proclamation press release and
– Send one copy to the local media outlet
– Send one copy to the Founder’s District Public Relations Officer
– Post a copy on the club’s web site
When the story is published forward a copy or the hyperlink to the Founder’s District Public Relations Officer