Judges Needed For HOSA Conference

Judges are needed for the upcoming HOSA conference in Anaheim on March 29th – April 1st, 2014, at the Anaheim Marriott. Judges can sign up on the cal-hosa.org website. (See the description of the events under the convention tab.) Parking will be validated.

HOSA (formerly Health Occupations Students of America) is a student organization that provides health care professionals with an opportunity to tap into Health Science classrooms to reach tomorrow’s best and brightest potential health care workers. The competitions are designed to motivate HOSA members to study, work hard, and achieve a high standard of excellence in a variety of leadership and skill disciplines. There are a many events where judges with varying skills and experiences are needed. HOSA will provide all judges’ information and answers to questions prior to the competition.

To sign up for events, click on this link:

If you do register to judge, please let Avis French know so TI can track your activities.



