Month: February 2015
Operations Manual
The Operation Manual is intended as a reference source for the operations and processes of Founder’s District. The procedures outlined herein are based on the authorizations and requirements of the District Administrative Bylaws. They incorporate the administrative practices that have evolved into recognized standard procedures. Should a discrepancy exist between this document and materials published…
Spring 2015 Marketing Workshop
Founder’s District is excited to announce our Spring 2015 Marketing Workshop! Guest speakers and seasoned Toastmasters will share their knowledge and experience with you to help expand your skills and gain training for advancing toward your DTM: Discover the Unbreakable Rules of Marketing by Cathey Armillas, DTM, PDG Learn How to Speak Outside Toastmasters For…
Ready To Have Some Fun With Your Camera?
Are you ready to have some fun with your camera (and yes, even the one in your cell phone) and share your Toastmasters experiences with others?” Picture this – your award-winning photo perched in front for everyone to see at the Founders District Spring Conference on April 25th! How about the chance to mingle with…
Valentines Day Challenge
Toastmasters everywhere are learning to set lofty goals, meet them, and enjoy the spoils of success. And we find that there are those around us who are more than willing to help us succeed in our endeavors. In Toastmasters we honor them with plaques, certificates, and awards for going above and beyond the call of…