Michael Alexander Recieves the Founder’s District “Spirit of Excellence Award”
For his accomplishments and years of loyal, creative, and dedicated service to the Toastmasters program, Founder’s District has recognized Michael Alexander with the “Spirit of Excellence” Award at the District Executive Council Meeting on August 31, 2016.
Michael is an accomplished and award winning public speaker, coach, and trainer. He is a member of ACTS Toastmasters Club #416 in Division B and is interested in becoming a professional public speaker.
Of his long Toastmaster service, Michael states, “The real reward is helping others to get better and seeing their progress.”
Michael has excelled as a speech contest judge serving clubs, areas, divisions, and twice as the District Chief Judge. A gifted evaluator, his contribution to club members’ growth is irreproachable. He became the First Area Governor of the Year for Division H in 2006-2007.
Michael, a Distinguished Toastmaster and Qualified Speaker, has been a Toastmaster for over 25 years. He holds a PhD in Economics. He is a true renaissance man, with a background in theater, storytelling, juggling and fire-eating. He has published articles on energy policy, tax policy, evolution, and the lives of medieval saints. He has been an expert witness in well over 150 proceedings before the California and Minnesota Public Utility Commission.
We congratulate Michael on this well deserved award.