Canva ‘how-to’ videos for VPPRs:
a. Complete CANVA guide to create Toastmasters brand compliant designs. Split into 25 chapters for different tools. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wt8fNi6Um5Q (41 mins)
b. Save your Brand Palette in CANVA Free account. – YouTube (4 mins) – (please note this video shows the old brand color palette – the bright red Pantone 1795 is no longer a brand color.)
c. CANVA HACK for Toastmasters. Create a Brand Kit with FREE CANVA account. – YouTube (14 mins)
d. How to create Videos and Slideshow in CANVA with music. – YouTube (11 mins)
e. A Beginners Guide to Create Toastmasters Brand-Compliant design using CANVA. – YouTube (14 mins)
f. The BIG CANVA Workshop – YouTube (2 hrs)
g. Canva guide to apply for a pro account for nonprofits:

How-to-sign-up-for-a-FREE-Canva-Pro-account.pdf (d106tm.org)