Sheryl Roush, DTM, PDG, AS, CVP

Presenter Bio

Sheryl Roush, DTM, Past District 5 Governor, Accredited Speaker, Certified
Virtual Presenter

The key to the success of your club, any meeting or event is MARKETING, and
our presenter generously shares over 45 years of her professional experience!
She’s even written five books on the topic, including the Solid Gold Newsletter
Design book, created for VP-PR and PRM roles, sold by TI, then became a
marketing communication course book at the University of Ottawa.

She joined Toastmasters during a Club-hosted Speechcraft Series. She has since hosted several highly-successful Speechcraft programs, recruiting 10-12 new Club members in each series, and using it to launch new clubs.

Sheryl is the youngest female (of 93 in 148 countries) to earn Toastmasters
Accredited Speaker designation for outstanding professional speaking caliber.

She is the author of the Heart of a Toastmaster, which received “Best Anthology” from the International Book Awards. Founders members published are: Frank Adamo; Lanie Adamson; Chris Gregory; “Big Jack” Nichols; Kathie Nirschl; Deborah Reisdorph; and Accredited Speaker Karen Twichell.

The Heart of a Military Woman anthology, received “Best Inspirational” from the San Diego Book Awards, and published a story from Jeanne Cassidy, Captain, USCGR (Retired).

Sheryl is the CEO of Sparkle Presentations, Inc., is a business communications
expert, 17-time published author, and Certified Virtual Presenter (CVP), and was an official sponsor for the Bahamas Convention, and is sponsoring the Anaheim Centennial Convention!