Public Relations Officer

Mission Statement:

Publicize Toastmasters to increase, maintain, and reward the membership by highlighting the personal and professional benefits gained through active participation in the various Toastmasters programs and events.


Recruit and work with a top notch PR Team to fulfill our mission statement through press releases, websites, videos, and social media. Increase the visibility of the Toastmasters program by shining a spotlight on member achievements, District conferences, training workshops, and other District events.

Job Description:

The public relations manager is responsible for coordinating publicity efforts in the District. By establishing and maintaining lines of communication between the district and its members, as well as between the District and the public, the public relations manager works to increase awareness of Toastmasters through all available media.

This officer serves in a staff position under the direction of the district director. He or she may be elected or appointed by the district director subject to approval of the executive committee and confirmation by the district council.

This position is not considered a fourth top officer and is not in logical progression to the office of district director. The public relations officer is eligible for re-election or reappointment for one succeeding term only.


  1. Serve as a member of the District Executive Committee under the direction of the district director.
  2. Uphold the bylaws and policies of Toastmasters International and the district administrative bylaws, following them to the best of his or her ability.
  3. Work in support of the district director, program quality directors and club growth directors in an effort to publicize events to the members and the outside community.
  4. Support the quality program directors to achieve the district’s educational goals.
  5. Support of the club growth directors to achieve the district’s membership growth goals, club building and club rescue goals.
  6. Serve as a resource to division directors and area directors to help publicize events and make them aware of the Toastmasters branding guidelines and resources.
  7. Work in cooperation with the district newsletter editor, webmaster, Founder’s TV team, speakers’ bureau, judges’ bureau and social media chairs in an effort to achieve public relations goals.


  1. Prepare a comprehensive public relations plan to keep both members and non-members aware of the District Toastmasters programs, news and events.
  2. Submit a public relations plan to the district director for approval. The plan should incorporate public relation strategies to promote:
    • Membership building and retention in conjunction with the club growth directors.
    • Building new clubs in conjunction with the club growth directors.
    • Training for club officers in coordination with program quality directors.
    • Promote achievement of Toastmasters educational awards in coordination with program quality directors.
  3. Working in coordination with the program quality directors, participate in leadership and training conferences and other special events within the district and help to publicize and promote them.
  4. Keep members informed about district activities, events, goals, achievements and educational programs using the district newsletter, website, and social media.
  5. Assist the public relations committee to implement the district’s public relations strategy.
  6. Develop publicity through the use of the press, television, radio and other media aimed at enhancing the public’s awareness of Toastmasters and its members.
  7. In consultation with the district director, serve as media representative for the district.
  8. Review and recommend to the district director all advertising and publicity material dealing with district programs and activities.
  9. Publicize the speakers’ bureau at the district, division and area levels, giving individual members the opportunity to promote the organization through seminars, workshops and speeches to local groups.
  10. Serve as a public relations resource to district clubs.
  11. Prepare his or her successor to assume office by completing the steps necessary for an orderly transfer of office by June 30.

Initial content above compiled, documented and updated 07-29-2016 by Michelle Bender, DTM, Founder’s District Public Relations Manager 2016-2017.



