Were You There?

9209625317 9c5bbb1441 qIt seemed everyone was there. Leaders were trained and leaders trained. The numbers were impressive. Around 900 members were in attendance at the two events on June 1 and June 29. The variety of sessions offered more than officers’ training. The highlighted workshops included “Secrets to Better Photos”, “Job Interview: Get Them to Say Yes”, “7 Habits of Successful Leaders”, “Winning a Humorous Speech Contest”, “The P5 Model for Presentation Success”, “You Can Turn the Table on Table Topics”, “Sharing the Gift of Toastmasters: A Simple Way to Build a New Club”, and “They’re Not Laughing Because You’re Not Funny. But You Can Be”. Much magic was required from almost 50 volunteers at each event to plan the day and deliver the 25 educational classes each appropriately at Chapman and Biola Universities.

Recognition and appreciation must be given to Siri Payakapan, DTM and Wilma Springer, DTM, PDG who planned and coordinated the event, spread the message and assured that the day would be memorable and club officers would be ready to lead Founder’s District to greatness and be Distinguished for the 2013-2014 terms.

Several Toastmasters members with iPhones walked around taking pictures of the activity. The photos were uploaded in real-time using the Adobe Grouppix app. You can view the photos here.



