Does your club have a name? I’m not talking about “Smedley Chapter 1,” “Tongues A Flame,” “Vineyard Journeys” or any of the club names registered at World Headquarters. To be successful, a club must be “human” and have many names and faces. People want to connect with other people who have common interests, who are facing similar challenges, and who want to offer support and encouragement.
Remember the Toastmaster’s Promise . . . “to attend club meetings regularly.” To me, that sounds like yet another obligation in a life filled with obligations. I prefer to think of it as, “twice each month I’ll link up with Lee, Jason, Wendy, Siri, Clint, Sami, Sue, to have some fun and coach each other to become better speakers and leaders.” I don’t suggest that we revise the Toastmaster’s Promise; however, the realization that my friends are expecting me makes a huge difference in my motivation to prepare for and arrive to the meeting on time.
Does this make sense to you? If it does then let’s share this understanding and promote personal relationships and accountability in our clubs;
- Arrive early if possible and greet other members and guests as they arrive. Help with meeting room preparations, if necessary.
- Leave an empty seat at your table and invite guests or newer members to sit with you. Answer questions; explain the meeting procedure and introduce them to other members.
- When a member is absent, get in touch to find out if they are doing okay and let that person know that he or she was missed. The VP of Membership or another member can take on this role.
- Prepare for assigned roles and coordinate with the Toastmaster and/or General Evaluator to plan and organize a terrific meeting for club members and guests.
- Run for club office or join a committee and share responsibility for how well the club serves your members.
To be successful our clubs must be “human” and have many names and faces.
George Day has been a member of Smedley Chapter 1 since 2006. In that time he has served in a variety of leadership roles at the club, area, and division. His favorite role is Public Relations. George has won Founder’s District Diamond Web Award for website development and the District’s Public Relations Achievement Award twice.
“PR” has a special meaning to George. It’s not what’s printed in the local newspapers or posted on your club website that matters most. These are important but what really matters is how well your club members – all of them – practice and develop “Personal Relationships.” This is the “PR” that builds strong clubs and makes the “Toastmaster Experience” enjoyable and rewarding.