New Clubs Marketing Workshop Repeat

marshall northcott

Marshall Northcott and John Barry captivated the audience at the National University on July 25th, revealing their secrets and methods to starting new clubs and growing membership. Northcott, who recently achieved the Distinguished Toastmaster award, has perfected the art of presentation and the science of building clubs through years of experience. As the 2014-2015 Division G Governor, Marshall and his team started nine new clubs in Division G and two clubs in LA County; a record in Founder’s District. His secrets are now offered to you in this information packed 4-hour workshop.

If you missed the New Clubs Marketing Workshop on July 25, you’ll have another opportunity to attend this workshop on August 8 at Caltech in Pasadena. This workshop is free to all who RSVP and includes the very popular Lunch & Learn session — the actual presentation to prospective Toastmasters on What is Toastmasters and what’s in it for them.
This workshop is relevant for anyone interested in pursuing the greatest and most rewarding leadership experience in Toastmasters — delivering the benefits of Toastmasters to more people by building new clubs and growing the membership. At the end of this workshop, you’ll have the tools and knowledge you need to build new clubs in your area.



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