Founders Gone Cosmic

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The free pizza proved to be the 2nd best part of the experience.

Members from clubs that achieved 5 new members during the Talk It Up Toastmasters event in March and February walked in to find pizza from such establishments as Pepz and Valuetina’s among others wondering what else was in store for them.

Then, all the attendees walked into an assembly hall filled with fog machines, laser machines, strobes and 3 projection screens that is equipment usually reserved for a big concert.

However, the attendees were in for something very different.

Public speaking extraordinaire Cindy Carpenter got the festivities off to a very interesting and sensational start with a game in which two total stranger Toastmasters would ask each other questions that ranged from how to gain more control to what someone disliked about themselves to if high tech goggles should be outlawed if they allow a person to see thru another person’s clothing to if a Toastmaster has ever been sunburnt and, if so, how badly. Only in Founders, which is based in sunny southern California, could such a question of a Toastmaster be asked. As Cindy put it in reacting to the event, “The whole combination of what happened at the event made for a unique experience.” David Carpenter, District 12 Club Growth Director, summed it by stating, “My favorite part of the event was how unusual it was and how it wasn’t the usual Toastmasters event.”

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But, wait. There’s more.

Dan Cossack, Founders District Club Growth Director, Program Quality Director South-elect and the event organizer, assembled a video that highlighted the maiden voyage to the moon as part of the United States’ first mission to the moon. As the video was being played, music that was pulsating, ambient and inspirational surrounded it. Within the video were images of women that looked very angelic as they were captured in various parts of outer space. All the while, there were laser lights shooting across the ceiling with the strobe lights blaring and the fog machine adding some intensity to the presentation. Dan even graced the audience with his acoustic guitar playing skills. Nice going, Dan! As said by Mallory Prest, “I enjoyed the pizza party and the networking session. I also appreciated the work that went into producing the electrical light show.”

Special recognition goes out to Irvine Toastmasters, who recruited 11 new members to their club during Talk It Up Toastmasters. That’s some serious talking up of Toastmasters on the part of Irvine Toastmasters. In the spirit of Neil Armstrong’s statement after reaching the moon in which he said, “One small step for man. One giant leap for mankind,” it can be said that adding 11 new members to its club represented one giant leap for Irvine Toastmasters. Hearty congratulations go out to all the members of that club.

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Finally, the attendees got a chance to hear from two-time district speaking champion, Daniel Midson-Short, who reminded us of the importance of surrounding ourselves with positive, uplifting people. As a matter of fact, he gave a testimonial that pretty well summed up what it means to be a Toastmaster in Founders District and regarding the event.

“Founders district is such an amazing community of people. All of us share a common goal to become the best we can, both as speakers and contributors to others. I am so grateful for all that has been given to me, and am proud to be a part of the original and best district.”

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Enough said.
On to “Beat the Clock” …

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