
  • Founder’s District Gets Audacious

    It was fitting that outgoing 2015-16 Founder’s District Director, Pan Kao, set the tone for a fun and varietal Founder’s District Installation Dinner for the new district council as Founder’s District found itself back at the Knott’s Berry Farm Hotel in the 9th floor ballroom. He instructed each audience member to fold up blue pieces…

  • “Be a Practitioner, Not a Theorist” – Year End Reflection

    Time flies! You are probably curious about what I have learned this past Toastmaster year as the first District Director of the Founder’s District. I’ve learned that in order to become a successful communicator and leader, one needs to “be a practitioner, not a theorist.”

  •  In this issue: Founder’s District International Speech Contest winner, Josephine Lee. LACE Summer of 2016 Speaker to Trainer Why Take On Leadership Ops Tips For Membership Building … and More! The Founder/2010-2019/Founder Vol 53 Iss 4 Jun 2016-16.pdf

  • Founders Gone Cosmic

    The free pizza proved to be the 2nd best part of the experience. Members from clubs that achieved 5 new members during the Talk It Up Toastmasters event in March and February walked in to find pizza from such establishments as Pepz and Valuetina’s among others wondering what else was in store for them. Then,…

  • 2016-17 Founder’s District Alignment Notes 2016-04-23 Last fall this body approved the formation of District 100 and Founder’s District, along with the creation of ten divisions, A through I. Since the fall conference… 7 new clubs were built. 6 prospective clubs may charter soon 14 clubs have stopped meeting 15 clubs are unpaid as of…

  • In order for us to utilize our time more effectively at the Business Meeting on Saturday, April 30, we have put together some of the routine items discussed into a Consent Agenda. These routine items are packaged and accepted as a group. In this package are items that do not need any discussion or a…

  • Evaluation, or … Criticism

      Kate McKay said in an essay:“It is not pleasant . . . to be criticized. . . (but) we really ought to congratulate ourselves every time we learn of a new fault . . . To know of a fault . . . should be instantly to challenge its continuance.”

  • The Stage is a Visual Aid

    Using the stageCompetitors at speech contests move about the stage to facilitate their communication. That is, they use the stage as a visual aid. Usually, there’s lots of room available, but you, as a speaker, must abandon the lectern. Three major reasons for a speaker to move about the stage are create a timeline, structure…

  • Interstellar Madness Pizza Party

    Pizza Party! MAY 6, 2016 7:00PM – 10:00PM Clubs that added five or more new members during the Talk Up Toastmasters Membership Campaign (Feb-Mar 2016) are being rewarded with a FREE Pizza Party on Friday May 6th featuring Keynote Speaker Cindy Carpenter and the Interstellar Madness show. In addition to your free pizza and drinks…

  • Sharon Ellis

      C&L Award Recipient Sharon Ellis Sharon Ellis joined Habitat for Humanity of Orange County as Executive Director in 2005. She is responsible for directing activities of both employees and thousands of volunteers as they help to build and finance affordable homes in Orange County. Sharon’s prior experience includes more than 20 years in the…