Join energetic clubs all over Founder’s District in participating in the upcoming membership building contest. During the months of February and March, add 5 or more members to your club to win the Toastmasters “Talk Up Toastmasters” award. You’ll receive a cool ribbon for your banner and an invitation to the Great Founder’s District Pizza…
Dr. Ralph Smedley, the founder of our organization, sponsored the first permanent Toastmasters club in Santa Ana during the fall of 1924. About a year later, in the fall of 1925, a guest from the nearby town of Anaheim attended the Santa Ana club. This visit signaled a new direction for Smedley’s Toastmasters idea. The…
Maximize Your Toastmasters Journey – Practice Transferable Skills What are transferable skills? Why do they matter? Last month, Danny Ly, current club president of Table Talkers, was giving a speech about four core values of Toastmasters International: Integrity, Respect, Service, and Excellence. Danny is a successful young entrepreneur who owns two 7-11 stores. In his…
In 1988, Mackay wrote his first book, Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive and was on the New York Times bestsellers list for 54 weeks and has sold over 5 million copies. Mackay began his public speaking career following the release of Swim with the Sharks. Mackay’s second book, Beware the Naked…
District Leadership Seminar – Build Your Skills With the pending creation of District 100, there are more opportunities to get involved in district leadership! Saturday, January 16th 12:00 – 3:30 pm National University3390 Harbor Blvd,Costa Mesa, CA 92626Agenda: Lunch: 12:00 – 1:00Seminar: 1:00 – 3:30 RSVP to Bob Hudack, DTM, PDG(949)951-2978 – Download Flier
Looking for a gift idea for the Holidays? How about giving someone you love a gift of membership to Toastmasters? This could be a life changing gift for your family, relatives and friends.This promotion is for the month of December only. For every membership gift you sponsor in December, you will receive an Advanced Manual of your…
A request for more details about the budget item (7082-August Marketing Incentives-$8000) was raised in the business meeting of the 2015 Fall District Conference on November 7. The budget item was used to recognize the performance of members, clubs, areas, divisions and various committees under district leaders in 2014-2015. The following table contains total expenses…
What do individuals benefit most from their Toastmasters experience?What can we do to make Toastmasters a better experience for individuals? The Toastmasters Survey was conducted Fall 2015 to explore what works well and what could be improved upon to make Toastmasters most beneficial for individuals. In total, 91 responses were collected from members, former members,…