Category: News

  • Lionnel Yamentou Newly Elected Division E Director

    Lionnel Yamentou Newly Elected Division E Director

    Fellow Toastmasters, The agenda item to appoint Lionnel Yamentou as the Division E Director at the DEC (District Executive Council) meeting on August 26, 2015 was tabled because of lacking a quorum. Following the Toastmasters International guidelines, District Administrative Manager, Linda Denton, followed up with an email vote process. More than 2/3 of the DEC…

  • DEC Meeting August 26, 2015

    DEC Meeting August 26, 2015

    The DEC meeting was held on Wednesday, August 26, 2015 at the tropical and beautiful Radisson Suites in Buena Park. Our District Director, Pan Kao, presided over the 2014-2015 year end awards/celebration. Deborah Reisdorph gave an educational presentation about “Pay it Forward with New Clubs.” She encouraged us to reach out to help other Toastmasters…

  • Founders District Fall District Conference

    It’s now time to plan and act on upcoming Fall speech contests – Tall Tales and Evaluation Speech Contests! If you are unfamiliar with the Tall Tales format, check out these videos of our District Competitors from 2013! Everyone has fun will Tall Tales!Imagine how much you can refine your skills by competing in…

  • Benefiting from Toastmasters?

    Benefiting from Toastmasters?

    Fellow Toastmasters, How do you benefit from Toastmasters’ programs? Do you have a story to share with fellow members in our district? Send an email to if you have a personal story to share. If your article is selected and published in our website or quarterly newsletters, you’ll receive a $25 Toastmasters gift certificate.…

  • New Clubs Marketing Workshop Repeat

    Marshall Northcott and John Barry captivated the audience at the National University on July 25th, revealing their secrets and methods to starting new clubs and growing membership. Northcott, who recently achieved the Distinguished Toastmaster award, has perfected the art of presentation and the science of building clubs through years of experience. As the 2014-2015 Division…

  • Happy New 2015-2016 Toastmasters Year!

    Happy New 2015-2016 Toastmasters Year!

    It’s my honor and pleasure to serve as the first ever District Director of Founder’s District. My vision for this year is to help you achieve your goals and to keep Founder’s District focused on its mission, which is to build new clubs and to assist all clubs in achieving excellence. Together, we can bring…

  • Start the Year STRONG

    Start the Year STRONG

    Start the year off right with a membership building program for your club. The Smedley Award begins August 1 and ends September 30. It’s simple. Add five new, dual, or reinstated members to your club between August 1 and September 30 and receive a “Smedley Award” ribbon, named in honor of the founder of Toastmasters, which…

  • Founder’s District Program Quality Message

    Founder’s District Program Quality Message

    We are at the beginning of the new Toastmasters year and I hope you are all enjoying your experience as members. I invite you to GET INVOLVED in Toastmasters’ activities within as well as outside your club to support all Founder’s District members in achieving excellence. I challenge you to continue to grow by achieving…

  • Gene Beckwith Award Presented to Linda and Richard Daugherty

    Gene Beckwith Award Presented to Linda and Richard Daugherty

     It is my honor and privilege to present the Gene Beckwith award for 2014-2015 to Linda and Richard Daugherty. They have served as the official district photographers for the past three years, but served in that role for several years before that. They have literally taken thousands of pictures of our members at LACE, Area/Division…

  • 2015 Spring Conference Consent Agenda

    In order for us to utilize our time more effectively at the Business Meeting on Saturday, April 25, we have put together some of the routine items discussed into a Consent Agenda. These routine items are packaged and accepted as a group. In this package are items that do not need any discussion or a…