Summer LACE/TLI 2024

Keynote, Presentations and Workshop Videos

The purpose of this session is to learn how you – as an officer – can directly influence Club quality, which is the net effect of your actions. Club quality is important because it influences your members’ experience in the Club, and their experience is where they find Value.
This training session is designed to guide you in the key principles to making the club experience the most fulfilling for each member’s personal Toastmasters journey – – to maximize their club experience.
In this session you will learn:
▪ How/Where Members find Value in their Toastmasters journey
▪ How the Moments of Truth impact Club Quality
▪ What Objectives are necessary to become a Distinguished Club – or better
▪ To Identify YOUR leadership role in relation to Club objectives, Club members and other Club officers, AND understand how your leadership skill development as a Club Officer transfers to your life outside the Club.
… and finally, Where to find critical club management tools, reports, documents, resources, and Important Upcoming Dates in Founder’s District.
Membership retention workshop by Sherri Horowitz, DTM
Clubs that retain membership year after year have a strong foundation of club quality. Learn how to create a win-win situation whereby your club retains members, and you level up your personal and professional development.
Three take-ways from this workshop:
1. Gain depth: dive deep into effective strategies and best practices tailored for club membership
2. Network with Peers: exchange ideas, learn from one another’s experiences, build new relationships to provide ongoing support and insights
3. Professional Development: enhance your personal and professional leadership skills and problem-solving capabilities while benefiting your club membership.
Willie Jone’s LEAN IN Principles from his 7/13 LACE presentation:
1) Start where you are. Decide something, do something, repeat.
2) Use what you’ve got. Do a little bit MORE than the normal. Become a better version of yourself. You learn by participating. Be a role model. Set the pace.
3) Do the best you can… whatever that is at that time. Show up and use what you’re got.
4) “Is this your station?” (in life) What in your life is leading you there? It’s the Journey. Make it yours. Make it bigger.